Illinois' Top Dog Training Academy

Why Training For Rescue Dogs Is Extra Important

There are thousands of dogs across the world that are abandoned, lost, or abused. Adopting a rescue dog and providing them with a safe and loving home is a very noble thing we can do as dog owners. However, when adopting a rescue you must be prepared for a lot of work as rescue dogs can be rewarding but require an array of training and time. Keep in mind it will take a few months for your rescue dog to settle into their new home, and how they are when you first get them is not always how they will be in a few months. You also must consider your dog’s history and past as this will play a factor in their training needs.

When To Start Training

Dog training is a lot more effective when your dog trusts the person that is training them. If that person is you, that means you need to first give your dog adequate time to build trust with you so that when training does begin, he will be much more likely to want to listen. You also may not know what you need to work on until they are fully settled into the home and are acting like their true selves. If you notice behavioral issues start to come up however, it is best to begin training right away before it gets worse.

Dog Training Classes

A great option to get a kick start to your rescue dogs training is to choose a training class such as private training or a board and train program to help get a head start on your dog training goals. These programs are also great options for more severe behavioral issues. A professional dog trainer can assess the root cause of the issue and develop a training plan to improve the quality of life for your dog. Choosing the right training class format will depend on your dog's training needs and goals.

Do It Yourself

If you decide that you want to take up the task of training your rescue dog then it is important to keep the following in mind.

  • Make sure you understand your dog's body language so you can assess the issues and the “why” of the issues which is very important. This also helps keep your dog and other dogs or people safe.
  • Training must be rewarding and positive for your dog so make sure you are using a lot of food, treats, or toys to motivate your dog to want to train
  • Begin training in low distraction environments as this is best for focus and building a strong foundation
  • Keep sessions short and fun. We cannot fix things in one session, it takes time and many sessions.
  • Be patient. Sometimes there is a long history of these habits or undesired behaviors. That means we will not fix an issue in a month if your dog has a habit that they have done for 3 years.

If you are struggling to train your rescue, at Seek we train tons of rescue dogs on a daily basis and have seen every training need imaginable. We can help you reach your goals so don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional trainer to get the assistance your rescue needs to be happy and healthy!

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